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About Walkies
Following a canine narrators anecdotal journey through a cache of places, imaginings and memories; Walkies exists as a visual experience comprised of simulacral human constructions. A recital which intends to render it's reader an observer on the sill of social routine and it's deviation, we take a walk around a neighbourhood which has retained it's signage, and mappings of the past, but shed the linearity of a time centric or goal oriented perception, children and dogs nominated as focal characters through their fringed domestic positions and less limited interpretations. Pairing fictional and personal reference, 'Walkies' calls for reformation of interaction - generating semi-corporal forms that can evoke a physical solidarity with the virtual realm, provoking conversations around how an animal might perceive a loss of local physical event to digitality, or less loaded expectations of interpersonal and romantic relationships through online mass connectivity systems. Re-creating mutated versions of childhood, hometown, and current locational relics, the artists act as translators between virtual and corporeal images, hand cutting and pasting 1,500 A4 sheets into the main gallery Space of Liverpool's The Royal Standard Gallery, becoming themselves a direct imitation of a 3D software rendering camera, as together they build a complete environment square by square.

About The Artists
Initially collaborating as key members of LJMU's 2019 FA film club, an initiative which began by running sessions, screenings, workshops and generating cross-year content, Reece, a creative writing graduate, regularly found himself attending Fine Art crits, helping to install student led shows and making work in the studio alongside Ellie, when she was a student on the course. Together, creating ''Un-Boxing', an interactive faux-game experience, for LJMU's 2020 Degree Show on Mars, their work went on to be featured in Frieze, Art Daily, and FAD Magazine and was selected by artist Kate Cooper as show favourite. Since this, Reece has been published by Art in Liverpool, Ekphraisis Magazine, Grimoire Fanzine, Round Lemon, Commissioned by Montez Press and is currently the Voices Editor of London Based Overdressed Magazine. Ellie has gone on to be established as one of 16 core members of SPUR World, an initiative which oversees 125 community members, aiming to overcome the issues with real world networking through the use of virtual persona's , workshops, talks and digital meet up's. She has also been featured in Ekphraisis Magazine and worked at LJMU as a guest lecturer, Q&A host and currently co-runs workshops to mentor students in developing ideas and preparing for crits.
Reece Links
Instagram: @reece.griffiths.31
Art In Liverpool
Grimoire Fanzine
Overdressed Magazine
Round Lemon - Collection Review
Round Lemon - Exhibition Review

Ellie Links
Instagram: @ellie__towers
Ekphriasis (Core Member)
Quarantine Connections
FAD Magazine
Art Daily
Kate Cooper Selection
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